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Emotionally Based School Non Attendance (also referred to as EBSA - emotionally based school avoidance): Prevention and Intervention
Supporting schools to re-engage children and young people struggling to attend school



Emotionally Based School Non Attendance (EBSNA) refers to children and young people who face persistent difficulties attending school due to emotional distress. It often leads to prolonged absences and can involve physical and emotional symptoms. 

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As EBSNA is not a diagnosis but is linked to how safe and supported students feel at school, a variety of whole school approaches and interventions can be adopted school-wide to reduce its risk. Schools can create a culture, develop a curriculum and implement strategies to enhance emotional well-being, promoting inclusion, confidence, resilience, a sense of belonging, emotional literacy, and secure attachments. 


Addressing EBSNA in school

The following sections outline the steps to take identifying the needs of children and young people experiencing EBSNA to make early interventions and reduce an escalation. It outlines the importance of working collaboratively with parents before going on to offer practical strategies for working with children and young people directly. 



Before thinking about a reintegration plan you should have begun working through the various resources within the toolkit to establish:

  1. a shared narrative with  parents

  2. a rapport with the child

  3. a map of preferred future and aspirations

  4. the risk and protective factors for the child

  5. the factors underpinning their individual EBSNA

  6. adaptations and flexibility from school partners

Therapy Sessions
EBSA Hub Approach

This guidance is to support schools with practical ideas and resources in preventing and addressing cases of emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA). We support a transformative approach in schools, aligning with progressive trends among innovative local authorities, schools, and MATs, and echoing the proposed changes in educational policy from the new government.

Non negotiables

Taking a non blame approach

Flexibility and adaptability from all stakeholders

Child first - the right support at the right time

About me

As a teacher, SEND specialist teacher and school leader, with 25 years across mainstream, special schools and AP, I have supported children and young people struggling to stay in school or  at risk of exclusion.

As an LA education officer for children out of education due to medical needs and the Headteacher of two Ofsted Outstanding (2018 &2023) hospital schools (mental health and general medical) and extended outreach services for children and young people out of school due to medical and/or mental health conditions including EBSA (Emotional based school avoidance).

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