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Before thinking about a reintegration plan you should have begun working through the various resources within the toolkit to: 

  1. Create a shared narrative with the child’s parents 

  2. Establish a rapport with the child 

  3. Map out their preferred future and their aspirations 

  4. Establish the risk and protective factors for the child 

  5. Understand the factors underpinning their individual EBSA 


Designing a successful reintegration plan is contingent on us having a good enough understanding of what underpins an individual child’s EBSA.

A good reintegration plan: 

  • Is child-led and reinforced by parents/carers and school 

  • Is informed by what the child finds difficult and not necessarily by timetables or other contextual restrictions 

  • Progresses methodically from what the child finds the least to the most difficult 

  • Has small enough steps for habituation to occur before progressing 

  • Is supplemented by direct teaching and practice of anxiety management techniques 

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